Only a faggot Jesus can save us

If Jesus did not represent each and everyone of us, his salvation, his promised happiness would be a lie. That is why I agree with Carlos. If Jesus did not represent a gay or a lesbian person, if he did not represent a trans or bisexual person and many more, if he is not a woman, a sexual harassment victim, a person with disabilities, then, he is not a Jesus who could save and make us happy. If he excludes even one person, he cannot save anyone. (Krzysztof Charamsa).

And from the start, the title of this book announces to its readers that an extraordinary adventure awaits them: Only a Faggot Jesus Can Save Us. Undoubtedly: the content makes good on this initial warning... What Carlos Osma brings here is innovative in its turn. His particular style and tone address commonly ignored or rarely discussed issues in the theological literature of our time. Therefore, I invite those who want to read this book to be inspired, amazed and encouraged to further reflection on the meaning that the kingdom of God may have for us (Retano Lings).

In this book Carlos Osma gives us back another God who is not the God of religion, rather he lets us see a biblical God who is better than the God of religion (which is rather an idol). The short chapters, many of them, lead us into the biblical narratives with a different point of view which makes use of hermeneutic tools, displaying all the senses through the outlook that stems from the margins of the LGTBIQ experiences. And that kind of reading, that queer, gay, lesbian, trans perspective ... is a point of view that reveals a different God. (Víctor Hernández).

The language of the book is clear and direct. It is not a language to impress, nor pretends to be scientific, that is , it’s a language that anyone can understand, and it is conveyed directly in an incisive way (very incisive) because it uncovers the raw reality, which is no other than that of women and men who are insulted because of their sexual condition, in the same way that it points the finger at those who promote the insult. It has not left me with peace. It is something to be thankful for  (Roser Solé i Besteiro).

One of the great merits of the author is that his message does not promote theological or religious isolation of the LGBTQI community. Rather, it is a call to those who have been ferociously rejected and excluded to come in and take a place at the table set by Jesus to all humans without fear or shame, celebrating the diversity with which God endowed the entire creation. (Edgar Gutierrez)

Around twelve years ago, I started publishing articles on faith and sexual diversity in the journal Lupa Protestante, and later on El Blog de Carlos Osma, and from there I shared with other magazines like ALC Noticias, Cristianos Gais, Cristianos LGTBIQ Argentina, El blog de Bernabé, Locademia de Teología, and Revista Renovación. This book is a selection of those publications, and the common point for most of them is that they are a reflection on a text or biblical story from my experience as a gay Christian. They are not dogmatic readings; on the contrary, my real intention is to encourage LGBTIQ people who have had a problematic experience with the Bible to overcome that experience. I do not pretend to be a source of Truth, in fact I’m rather worried that someone might consider this book in that way. All my reflections taken together only exist to answer the question: “What does this Bible verse you’ve read mean to you?” And that “to you” includes “to you as an LGBTIQ person.” 

You can now find the book "Only a faggot Jesus can save us" on Amazon. 


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